In fact, I have basically never used annotations in my daily life. But I heard from other classmates that their companies use them quite a lot, and I want to learn a bit. I found that annotations are really amazing... they can completely abandon XML configuration... I hope our company can also use annotations for development...
In fact, I have basically never used annotations in my daily life. But I heard from other classmates that their companies use them quite a lot, and I want to learn a bit. I found that annotations are really amazing... they can completely abandon XML configuration... I hope our company can also use annotations for development...
@Component: Represents a component
@Autowired: Specifies the injection of a bean of the specified type into this field
@Configuration: Indicates that it is a configuration class
@ComponentScan: Scans the entire package, automatically creating all beans marked as Component and assembling them according to Autowired
Just need to:
Each bean is marked as @Component and @Autowired is used correctly for injection;
Configuration classes are marked as @Configuration and @ComponentScan;
All beans are within the specified package and its sub-packages.
@Scope(ConfigurableBeanFactory.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE): Creates a prototype bean
@Order: Specifies the order of beans in the list, marking beans as Order(1), Order(2)...
@Autowired(required = false): Skips if the corresponding bean cannot be found
@Bean(“Second”): Creates an alias for the same type of bean
@Primary: Specifies priority
@Autowired(required = false)
@Qualifier(“z”) // Specifies the injection name as "z" for ZoneId
@Value(“classpath:/logo.txt”) Injects Resource
@PropertySource(“”) Injects configuration file
@Value(“${}”) Injects the value from the configuration file
String zoneId;
“${}” means reading the value for the key; if the key does not exist, an error will occur on startup;
“${}” means reading the value for the key, but if the key does not exist, it uses the default value Z.
Injecting a JavaBean that holds all configurations
public class SmtpConfig {
private String host;
private int port;
public String getHost() {
return host;
public int getPort() {
return port;
Reading configuration information from the JavaBean
public class MailService {
private String smtpHost;
private int smtpPort;
@Profile: Indicates different environments native test production
@Conditional(OnSmtpEnvCondition.class): Conditional injection
@ConditionalOnProperty(name=”app.smtp”, havingValue=”true”) Creates if app.smtp=true exists in the configuration file
@ConditionalOnClass(name = “javax.mail.Transport”) Creates if the class javax.mail.Transport exists in the current classpath