Common Linux Commands#
This article introduces some commonly used Linux commands in daily work, applicable to Ubuntu (I will make annotations if there are differences on CentOS).
1. ls#
Description: Display files and directories in the current directory.
Usage: ls [options] [path]
Example: ls -l /home
(display detailed information of files and directories in the /home directory)
2. cd#
Description: Change the current working directory.
Usage: cd [directory]
Example: cd /var/www
(switch to the /var/www directory)
3. pwd#
Description: Display the path of the current working directory.
Usage: pwd
Example: /home/user/documents
4. mkdir#
Description: Create a new directory.
Usage: mkdir [options] directory
Example: mkdir new_directory
(create a new directory named "new_directory" in the current directory)
5. rm#
Description: Delete a file or directory.
Usage: rm [options] file/directory
Example: rm file.txt
(delete a file named "file.txt")
6. cp#
Description: Copy a file or directory.
Usage: cp [options] source_path destination_path
Example: cp file.txt /tmp
(copy a file named "file.txt" to the /tmp directory)
7. mv#
Description: Move or rename a file or directory.
Usage: mv [options] source_path destination_path
Example: mv file.txt new_location/file_renamed.txt
(move the file "file.txt" to the "new_location" directory and rename it as "file_renamed.txt")
8. touch#
Description: Create an empty file or modify the file timestamp.
Usage: touch [options] file
Example: touch new_file.txt
(create a new file named "new_file.txt" in the current directory)
9. cat#
Description: Display the contents of a file.
Usage: cat [options] file
Example: cat file.txt
(display the contents of the "file.txt" file)
10. grep#
Description: Search for matching text in a file.
Usage: grep [options] pattern file
Example: grep "keyword" file.txt
(search for lines containing "keyword" in the "file.txt" file)
11. Count the number of files#
Description: Count the number of files.
Usage: ls -l | grep -c "^-"
Example: ls -l | grep -c "^-"
(count the number of files in the current directory)
12. Count the number of directories#
Description: Count the number of directories.
Usage: ls -l | grep "^d" | wc -l
Example: ls -l | grep "^d" | wc -l
(count the number of directories in the current directory)
15. Count the number of files in a tar package#
Description: Count the number of files in a tar package.
Usage: tar -tzf file.tar.gz | wc -l
Example: tar -tzf file.tar.gz | wc -l
(count the number of files in the tar package named "file.tar.gz")
16. Change the owner and group of a file or directory#
Description: Change the owner and group of a file or directory.
Usage: chown [-R] account_name:group_name file_or_directory
Example: chown -R user:group file.txt
(recursively change the owner of the file "file.txt" to "user" and the group to "group")
17. File synchronization (using rsync)#
Description: Synchronize files using the rsync command.
Usage: rsync -vvvrtopg --progress -e 'ssh -p 40012' source_file destination_file
Example: rsync -vvvrtopg --progress -e 'ssh -p 40012' [email protected]:/mnt/downExtra/20220531/vk_image_download/temp/0-10000 ./imageTemp/
(synchronize files from a specified path on a remote server to a local directory)
18. Calculate the md5 value of a file#
Description: Calculate the md5 value of a file.
Usage: md5sum file
Example: md5sum test.txt
(calculate the md5 value of the "test.txt" file)
19. Generate an md5 checksum file for a file#
Description: Generate a checksum file containing the md5 values of files.
Usage: find ./myfile/* -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum > md5.txt
Example: find ./myfile/* -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum > md5.txt
(generate a checksum file named "md5.txt" containing the md5 values of files in the "./myfile" directory)
20. Verify the md5 checksum of a file#
Description: Verify the md5 checksum of a file.
Usage: md5sum -c md5.txt > md5.check
Example: md5sum -c md5.txt > md5.check
(verify the md5 checksum of a file based on the md5 values in the "md5.txt" file)
21. Stop and start WSL (Windows)#
Description: Stop and start Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
- Stop:
wsl --shutdown
ornet stop LxssManager
- Start:
net start LxssManager
22. Restart xrdp service#
Description: Restart the xrdp service.
Usage: sudo service xrdp restart
Example: sudo service xrdp restart
(restart the xrdp service)
23. Start Xfce desktop environment#
Description: Start the Xfce desktop environment.
Usage: startxfce4
Example: startxfce4
(start the Xfce desktop environment)
24. Enter WSL bash#
Description: Enter the WSL bash environment (Windows).
Usage: wsl -e bash --norc
Example: wsl -e bash --norc
(enter the WSL bash environment)
25. Start a Python script#
Description: Start a Python script and redirect the output to a log file.
Usage: nohup python3 -u script_name > log_file_name &
Example: nohup python3 -u > log0619.log &
(start a Python script named "" and redirect the output to a log file named "log0619.log")
26. View files in a tar package#
Description: View the file list in a tar package.
Usage: tar -tf file_name
Example: tar -tf %s" % tarFile
(view the file list in the tar package named "file.tar")
27. Extract a tar package#
Description: Extract a tar package to a specified directory.
Usage: tar -xvf tar_package_name -C target_directory
Example: tar -xvf fb_pic_jpg.tar -C ./fb_pic_jpg
(extract the "fb_pic_jpg.tar" to the "./fb_pic_jpg" directory)
28. Compress files or directories into a tar package#
Description: Compress files or directories into a tar package.
Usage: tar -cvf target_tar_package_name source_file/directory
Example: tar -cvf /home/data111/disksdk/wanghaiyang/fastdfs_image_mapper/fb_pic_jpg.tar 20220525/
(compress the "20220525" directory into the "/home/data111/disksdk/wanghaiyang/fastdfs_image_mapper/fb_pic_jpg.tar")
29. View the absolute path of the startup script of a process#
Description: View the absolute path of the startup script of a specified process.
Usage: sudo lsof -p <pid> | grep cwd | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f9-
Example: sudo lsof -p 1234 | grep cwd | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f9-
(view the absolute path of the startup script of the process with ID 1234)
30. View DNS configuration#
Description: View the DNS configuration of the current system.
Usage: cat /etc/resolv.conf
Example: cat /etc/resolv.conf
(view DNS configuration)
31. Set up a proxy#
Description: Set up a system proxy.
Usage: export ALL_PROXY="http://proxy_server_address:port"
Example: export ALL_PROXY=""
(set up a proxy)
32. View detailed information of a Docker container#
Description: View detailed information of a Docker container.
Usage: docker inspect container_id
Example: docker inspect f257d69e0035
(view detailed information of a Docker container)
The records are quite miscellaneous, looking up whatever is encountered. Or when thinking of certain solutions, I would look them up and record them.